direbanshee Dec 31, 2037 18:34
oh god not another kink meme, i have so many wip's, masterpost, fandom: avengers, one ticket to special hell please, fandom: anita blake, spn kink meme is a very bad place, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: supernatural
direbanshee May 23, 2013 15:35
oh god not another kink meme, i have so many wip's, pairing: clint(hawkeye)/coulson, fandom: avengers, pairing: dean/castiel, fandom: supernatural
direbanshee Feb 13, 2013 03:32
oh god not another kink meme, i have so many wip's, fandom: avengers, one ticket to special hell please, pairing: clint(hawkeye)/coulson, fandom: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, why am i writing something new
direbanshee Nov 29, 2012 11:23
oh god not another kink meme, i have so many wip's, pairing: clint(hawkeye)/coulson, fandom: avengers, pairing: dean/castiel, fandom: supernatural, why am i writing something new